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white mold, camembert, brie
  • white mold, camembert, brie
  • white mold, camembert, brie

White Mold Spores (P. Camemberti)

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White mold, for 100L milk, is dosed togehter with the starter culture.

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White mold, for 100L milk, if dosed with the starter culture

Wit skimmel, vir 100 L melk, indien gedoseer met kaas kultuur

Consists of a specifically selected strain of Penicillium camemberti to ensure a uniform and controlled surface treatment in the production of moulded cheese. The mycelium growth results in a fast development of very short, white and colour stable coating. Enhances the ripening and aroma of the cheese due to medium lipolytic and medium proteolytic activity.

8 Items