VALUE - enough for 500 L milk as DVI (Direct Vat Innoculant). A slightly more sour, traditional yoghurt culture for those seeking the documented health benefits or looking for a good cooking or baking yoghurt to add some substance to a meal. Excellent for cleaning the palette between curry dishes or mouthfuls ;-)
This culture is Kosher and Halaal.
VALUE - enough for 500 L milk as DVI (Direct Vat Innoculant). A slightly more sour, traditional yoghurt culture for those seeking the documented health benefits or looking for a good cooking or baking yoghurt to add some substance to a meal. Excellent for cleaning the palette between curry dishes or mouthfuls ;-)
WAARDE - genoeg vir 500 L melk as DVI (Direct Vat Innokulant). 'N Bietjie meer suur, tradisionele joghurtkultuur vir diegene wat die gedokumenteerde gesondheidsvoordele soek of 'n goeie kook- of bakjogurt soek om iets by te voeg tot 'n ete. Uitstekend vir die skoonmaak van die palet tussen kerriegeregte of mondvol ;-)
This culture is Kosher and Halaal.