The Unexpected Diversity in Cheese-Making Enthusiasts Across South Africa

The Unexpected Diversity in Cheese-Making Enthusiasts Across South Africa

When I started presenting cheese-making courses across South Africa, I could never have predicted the diverse and fascinating array of people I would meet along the way. From doctors and engineers to sculptors and pilots, the attendees of our courses never cease to amaze me. It’s a testament to the universal appeal of cheese-making—an art and science that transcends professions and passions.

A Melting Pot of Talent

One of the most frequent questions I get from professional marketers is, “Who is your target market?” My somewhat simplistically answer has always been, “People who want to make cheese.” But over the years, I’ve come to realize that this answer barely scratches the surface. Our students come from all walks of life, bringing with them a variety of skills and experiences that add depth to the learning experience.

The Engineers and the Medics

It’s intriguing to see the number of engineers, particularly electronic and mechanical, who are interested in cheese-making. Perhaps the precision required in both fields draws them to the craft. Similarly, medical professionals—from doctors to veterinarians—find a certain satisfaction in the biological processes involved in creating different types of cheese.

Creative Minds and Culinary Artists

Chefs, unsurprisingly, are a common sight in our courses, eager to expand their culinary repertoire. But they are not the only creative minds we encounter. We’ve welcomed lawyers seeking a meditative escape from the rigors of legal practice, sculptors who appreciate the tactile nature of cheese-making, and wine farm owners looking to pair their produce with their own artisanal cheeses.

From the Skies to the Dairy Farm

And then there are the pilots, a surprising number of whom have found their way to our courses. Whether they’re flying Boeing 380s or heavy-lift helicopters, these aviators share a common love for the grounded, hands-on process of making cheese. Dairy farmers, too, attend with the intention of deepening their understanding of the product at the heart of their livelihood.

More Than Just a Course

What makes our courses truly special is the feedback from our students. There’s nothing more fulfilling than hearing someone say that they got more from the course than they expected. It’s not just about learning to make cheese; it’s about connecting with like-minded individuals, discovering new interests, and sometimes even uncovering a hidden passion.

In the end, the diversity of our attendees makes every course unique and exciting. We’re not just teaching a skill—we’re sharing a journey with people from all corners of life. And that, for me, is the most rewarding part of what we do.

This eclectic mix of students keeps our cheese-making courses vibrant and dynamic. Whether you’re an engineer, a lawyer, a chef, or a pilot, there’s a place for you in our community. Come join us and discover the joy of cheese-making—you might just find it’s more than you ever expected.

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